Click the link in the first column to query for images on this site. A detailed description of the table and catalog can be found on the catalog's main page.
Query link | ID | RA in h m s | DEC in ° ′ ″ | GLON in ° | GLAT in ° | Major diameter in ′ | Minor diameter in ′ | Angle in ° | Old ID | Publication date | Comment |
Images | 5 13 59.2 | +10 29 09 | 191.7602 | -16.1417 | 341.6 | 146.6 | 61 | A1 | 2022-10-12 | HII region with long filament in the eastern part. Obscured by (i.e. lies behind) LDN 1571/2. Removed because probably part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 5 12 45.6 | +6 46 46 | 194.8831 | -18.3634 | 279.5 | 197.4 | 69 | A2 | 2022-10-12 | The eastern part, SH2 265, is not not obscured by (seems to lie in front of) Lambda Orionis Ring. Removed because probably part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 6 14 53.1 | +12 25 53 | 197.7124 | -2.2852 | 15.43 | A4 | 2022-10-12 | HII region containing SH2 271/2. Removed because it seems to be a (much larger) extension of SH2 271/2. | |||
Images | 22 42 55.3 | +38 24 48 | 96.9624 | -17.8926 | 566.9 | B1 | 2022-10-19 | Large HII region containing SH2 126. That region contains several OB stars, most of them within a distance of about 450pc to 550pc. The brightest one is 10 Lac. Removed because an extension of SH2 126. | |||
Images | 5 43 11.5 | +26 36 31 | 181.7031 | -1.6751 | 425.9 | C8 | 2022-10-19 | Probably not related to the SNR SH2 240. Removed because to uncertain. | |||
Images | 5 28 21.5 | +29 09 41 | 177.7840 | -3.0618 | 173.6 | C9 | 2022-10-19 | Faint HII region. Removed because to uncertain. | |||
Images | 4 06 20.9 | +42 42 16 | 156.7443 | -7.0168 | 14.52 | C11 | 2022-12-01 | Identified as StDR 104. | |||
Images | 17 43 37.6 | -7 09 10 | 18.5856 | +11.5783 | 251.5 | D1 | 2022-10-22 | Identified as GMN 7. | |||
Images | 18 24 06.0 | -3 16 51 | 26.8793 | +4.5680 | 32.56 | D2 | 2022-10-22 | Identified as Planetary Nebula FP J1824-0319 | |||
Images | 18 37 57.4 | -0 23 21 | 31.0471 | +2.8213 | 22.42 | D4 | 2022-10-22 | Removed. Coordinate error? | |||
Images | 18 58 44.6 | -9 19 13 | 25.4348 | -5.8450 | 102.2 | 46.99 | 126 | D6 | 2022-10-22 | Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 13. | |
Images | 18 32 02.9 | -6 07 08 | 25.2759 | +1.4997 | 52.03 | D8 | 2022-10-22 | Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 11. | |||
Images | 18 11 19.0 | -11 07 58 | 18.4379 | +3.6724 | 70.05 | D9 | 2022-10-22 | Removed because just a bright part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 17 52 19.6 | -13 07 37 | 14.4143 | +6.7491 | 184.5 | 75.87 | 90 | D10 | 2022-10-22 | Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 4. | |
Images | 18 04 41.7 | +0 57 56 | 28.4152 | +10.8314 | 206.4 | 100.4 | 68 | E1 | 2022-11-09 | Identified as GMN 14. | |
Images | 19 54 37.8 | +18 20 11 | 56.4677 | -4.9647 | 268.5 | E2 | 2022-11-09 | Large HII region with filaments and ring structure. Identified as GMN 24. | |||
Images | 19 30 42.1 | +16 49 32 | 52.3254 | -0.7590 | 40.81 | E3 | 2022-11-09 | Identified as GMN 22. | |||
Images | 19 21 50.7 | +15 01 40 | 49.7314 | +0.2591 | 51.87 | E4 | 2022-11-09 | Identified as GMN 21. | |||
Images | 19 46 13.5 | +24 34 48 | 60.8615 | -0.1125 | 290.0 | E5 | 2022-11-09 | Large HII region that contains SH2-86 to SH2-88 and DU 26 to DU 30. Ionized by the VUL OB1 association. Removed because just the superstructure of many known nebulae. | |||
Images | 7 16 41.3 | -11 29 45 | 226.0234 | +0.2875 | 680.7 | 481.5 | 10 | F1 | 2022-11-09 | HII region that is ionized by the CMa OB1 association and which contains the Seagull Nebula (at least the body) and various other emission Nebula, at least SH2-295 to SH2-297. Distance is about 1000pc. Removed because just the superstructure of many known nebulae. | |
Images | 7 04 10.7 | +1 40 54 | 212.8862 | +3.6010 | 166.2 | 68.78 | 168 | F3 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 7 01 38.0 | +10 45 11 | 204.4635 | +7.1205 | 298.8 | 34.83 | 113 | F4 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 6 57 37.9 | +14 52 42 | 200.2948 | +8.0666 | 184.4 | 51.45 | 113 | F5 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 7 21 44.6 | +13 21 18 | 204.2613 | +12.6793 | 260.5 | 30.68 | 102 | F6 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 6 56 56.7 | +5 37 18 | 208.5475 | +3.7813 | 375.5 | 86.39 | 6 | F7 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 6 33 32.7 | +17 54 09 | 194.9770 | +4.2506 | 251.6 | 65.62 | 30 | F8 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 7 11 40.8 | +18 36 46 | 198.3292 | +12.7051 | 519.4 | 169.2 | 158 | F9 | 2022-11-09 | HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure, partially obscured by LBN 891 and F10. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 19 57 21.2 | +26 39 09 | 63.9257 | -1.2083 | 2.550 | G3 | 2022-11-30 | Identified as planetary nebula PN G063.9-01.2. | |||
Images | 20 03 48.5 | +26 14 56 | 64.3433 | -2.6491 | 27.95 | 18.77 | 78 | G4 | 2022-11-30 | Faint HII region. Removed because it seems to be an extension of StDr 123. | |
Images | 19 56 13.0 | +29 29 32 | 66.2207 | +0.4829 | 34.26 | G5 | 2022-11-30 | Faint HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |||
Images | 3 30 41.9 | +34 27 13 | 156.6113 | -17.8020 | 2061 | 1357 | 135 | H1 | 2022-12-01 | Huge HII region that lie behind molecular cloud in Taurus and Perseus (because it is obscured by them). Removed because just the (much larger) superstructure of the California nebula. | |
Images | 3 21 33.3 | +46 03 11 | 148.2967 | -9.2951 | 42.11 | H3 | 2022-12-01 | Removed because propably the (much larger) superstructure of PaStSDr 6. | |||
Images | 4 26 16.8 | +48 23 01 | 155.2992 | -0.5123 | 7.669 | 4.933 | 164 | H4 | 2022-12-01 | Identified as "StDr Objet 21". | |
Images | 4 51 41.0 | +45 51 08 | 160.0649 | +1.0211 | 48.12 | H6 | 2022-12-01 | HII region partly obfuscated by dark nebulae. Brightest regions are known as LBN 755 and BFS 44. Removed because can be approximately identified with LBN 755 (inaccurate, much smaller). | |||
Images | 20 44 48.9 | +63 50 34 | 99.4783 | +12.8863 | 119.7 | 63.13 | 120 | I1 | 2023-02-05 | HII filament. Removed because propably par of a larger structure. | |
Images | 21 26 24.5 | +55 22 00 | 96.5703 | +3.3620 | 20.80 | I6 | 2023-02-05 | Probably equal to '[AAJ2015] G096.598+03.426' but much larger. Removed because it seem to be the superstructure of '[AAJ2015] G096.598+03.426'. | |||
Images | 0 14 50.4 | +57 54 04 | 118.0690 | -4.6247 | 35.95 | 11.63 | 41 | I8 | 2023-02-05 | Removed because propably part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 0 11 05.3 | +57 10 45 | 117.4613 | -5.2634 | 8.175 | I9 | 2023-02-05 | Identified as Dr 27. | |||
Images | 0 40 19.7 | +60 59 55 | 121.5851 | -1.8442 | 12.41 | I11 | 2023-02-05 | Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |||
Images | 1 30 20.9 | +64 26 14 | 127.1152 | +1.8819 | 7.123 | I13 | 2023-02-05 | Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |||
Images | 1 09 04.4 | +62 59 55 | 124.9321 | +0.1954 | 47.61 | I16 | 2023-02-05 | Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |||
Images | 23 18 08.0 | +55 49 38 | 110.0373 | -4.6910 | 21.22 | I17 | 2023-02-05 | Identified as StDr 98. | |||
Images | 0 17 18.0 | +55 21 09 | 118.0534 | -7.1955 | 10.75 | I18 | 2023-02-05 | Faint HII region. Removed because it seems to be just a bright part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 22 06 03.3 | +69 28 47 | 109.2816 | +11.1184 | 269.1 | 105.1 | 52 | I20 | 2023-02-05 | Large HII filament. Removed because probably just a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 21 58 26.8 | +66 23 36 | 106.7985 | +9.1037 | 180.3 | 137.3 | 5 | I21 | 2023-02-05 | HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Removed because part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 23 29 50.7 | +59 57 24 | 112.8796 | -1.3131 | 71.97 | 48.67 | 157 | I22a | 2023-02-05 | HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Seems to be connected to I22b. Removed because part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 23 44 06.0 | +59 18 36 | 114.4239 | -2.4450 | 172.5 | 116.7 | 98 | I22b | 2023-02-05 | HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Seems to be connected to I22a and contain DU 58 and DU 59. Removed because part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 23 49 20.2 | +57 15 32 | 114.5812 | -4.6024 | 305.1 | 234.8 | 75 | I23 | 2023-02-05 | Large HII region. Removed because part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 23 29 23.4 | +58 02 30 | 112.2275 | -3.1146 | 60.82 | 22.51 | 150 | I24 | 2023-02-05 | HII filament. Removed because part of a larger structure. | |
Images | 0 31 02.5 | +58 36 59 | 120.2722 | -4.1499 | 148.5 | I25 | 2023-02-05 | Removed because part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 21 56 45.5 | +52 50 42 | 98.2752 | -1.4550 | 551.4 | 328.5 | 82 | I26 | 2023-02-05 | A set of strange HII structures with CO 86 as brightest part in the center. Removed because it seems not to be a discrete object. | |
Images | 21 01 26.5 | +53 46 42 | 92.9195 | +4.8923 | 387.5 | I27 | 2023-02-05 | Probably a larger HII region mostly behind a dark nebula. Removed because to uncertain whether it belong to a larger structure. | |||
Images | 21 56 04.2 | +47 43 36 | 95.0256 | -5.4162 | 157.7 | 103.4 | 1 | I29 | 2023-02-05 | HII arc which crosses SH2-125, aka Cocoon Nebula. Removed because probably just a part of a large SNR. | |
Images | 22 00 19.4 | +49 03 14 | 96.4025 | -4.8003 | 22.66 | I30 | 2023-02-05 | Identified as "DrZi Objket 1". | |||
Images | 23 16 09.0 | +57 16 57 | 110.3020 | -3.2341 | 2.589 | I31 | 2023-02-05 | Small and faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 23 11 44.2 | +57 14 12 | 109.7295 | -3.0570 | 12.85 | I32 | 2023-02-05 | Faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 22 59 00.9 | +53 43 13 | 106.6668 | -5.5632 | 27.20 | I33 | 2023-02-05 | Faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure. | |||
Images | 0 36 32.3 | +54 04 03 | 120.7214 | -8.7403 | 106.8 | 59.37 | 83 | IA6 | 2023-02-05 | HII region that could be ionized by zet Cas. Propably a part of B120. | |
(zet Cas) | 0 36 58.3 | +53 53 49 | 120.7758 | -8.9143 | A close star in a distance of about 180 pc +/- 10 pc (Hipparcos measurements) | ||||||
Images | 4 41 08.1 | +57 55 14 | 149.7711 | +7.5777 | 19.93 | J2 | 2023-12-04 | Bright HII region. Strangely enough not listed at SIMBAD. Ionization source may be HD 237299. Identified as HU 1. | |||
(HD 237299) | 4 41 25.6 | +57 54 35 | 149.8047 | +7.6000 | Possible ionization source of HU 1. Distance according to Gaia DR3: about 1250 pc. | ||||||
Images | 5 00 37.9 | +58 13 04 | 151.1733 | +9.7708 | 1.990 | J3 | 2023-12-04 | Removed because likely artifact if variable star | |||
Images | 5 23 19.7 | +54 57 56 | 155.6956 | +10.4713 | 16.50 | J4 | 2023-12-04 | Identified as StDr 17. | |||
Images | 2 14 17.3 | +49 17 25 | 136.5416 | -11.3797 | 1072 | 478.6 | 120 | J8 | 2023-12-04 | Huge HII filament. Removed because part or a larger structure. | |
Images | 1 47 38.8 | +58 23 45 | 130.2573 | -3.6741 | 335.1 | 172.2 | 3 | J9 | 2023-12-04 | HII filament. Removed because is seems to be a part of a larger structure. | |
Images | H125.5 | 1 16 06.9 | +64 51 58 | 125.5499 | +2.1200 | 2.604 | J10 | 2023-12-04 | Duplicate entry. Equal H125.5 (was I15) | ||
Images | 3 54 55.5 | +60 35 22 | 143.6646 | +5.3317 | 514.5 | J11 | 2023-12-04 | Large and faint HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |||
Images | H125.0 | 1 10 10.9 | +63 40 43 | 125.0080 | +0.8825 | 8.876 | J12 | 2023-12-04 | Duplicate entry. Equal H125.0 (was I14) | ||
Images | 3 23 54.3 | +61 31 54 | 140.0833 | +3.8464 | 14.64 | J13 | 2023-12-04 | Equal to LBN 678 (classified as reflection nebula) | |||
(HD 20798) | 3 24 14.2 | +61 32 19 | 140.1126 | +3.8738 | Possible ionization source of LBN 678. Distance according to Gaia DR3: about 1000 pc | ||||||
Images | 2 33 47.8 | +49 45 22 | 139.3826 | -9.8180 | 5.378 | J14 | 2023-12-04 | Identified as Dr 28. | |||
Images | 2 19 40.0 | +56 07 43 | 135.0535 | -4.6526 | 114.8 | 81.95 | 82 | J15 | 2023-12-04 | Removed because it is to uncertain whether this is a discrete object. | |
Images | 2 57 49.7 | +56 13 15 | 139.8841 | -2.4336 | 91.52 | 48.70 | 5 | J16 | 2023-12-04 | HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object. |