HII regions that where not imported from the old list.

Most of these HII regions were not imported because they could be identified, belong to another known structure, or are extensions of a known object.

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Images 5 13 59.2 +10 29 09 191.7602 -16.1417 341.6 146.6 61 A1 2022-10-12 HII region with long filament in the eastern part. Obscured by (i.e. lies behind) LDN 1571/2. Removed because probably part of a larger structure.
Images 5 12 45.6 +6 46 46 194.8831 -18.3634 279.5 197.4 69 A2 2022-10-12 The eastern part, SH2 265, is not not obscured by (seems to lie in front of) Lambda Orionis Ring. Removed because probably part of a larger structure.
Images 6 14 53.1 +12 25 53 197.7124 -2.2852 15.43 A4 2022-10-12 HII region containing SH2 271/2. Removed because it seems to be a (much larger) extension of SH2 271/2.
Images 22 42 55.3 +38 24 48 96.9624 -17.8926 566.9 B1 2022-10-19 Large HII region containing SH2 126. That region contains several OB stars, most of them within a distance of about 450pc to 550pc. The brightest one is 10 Lac. Removed because an extension of SH2 126.
Images 5 43 11.5 +26 36 31 181.7031 -1.6751 425.9 C8 2022-10-19 Probably not related to the SNR SH2 240. Removed because to uncertain.
Images 5 28 21.5 +29 09 41 177.7840 -3.0618 173.6 C9 2022-10-19 Faint HII region. Removed because to uncertain.
Images 4 06 20.9 +42 42 16 156.7443 -7.0168 14.52 C11 2022-12-01 Identified as StDR 104.
Images 17 43 37.6 -7 09 10 18.5856 +11.5783 251.5 D1 2022-10-22 Identified as GMN 7.
Images 18 24 06.0 -3 16 51 26.8793 +4.5680 32.56 D2 2022-10-22 Identified as Planetary Nebula FP J1824-0319
Images 18 37 57.4 -0 23 21 31.0471 +2.8213 22.42 D4 2022-10-22 Removed. Coordinate error?
Images 18 58 44.6 -9 19 13 25.4348 -5.8450 102.2 46.99 126 D6 2022-10-22 Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 13.
Images 18 32 02.9 -6 07 08 25.2759 +1.4997 52.03 D8 2022-10-22 Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 11.
Images 18 11 19.0 -11 07 58 18.4379 +3.6724 70.05 D9 2022-10-22 Removed because just a bright part of a larger structure.
Images 17 52 19.6 -13 07 37 14.4143 +6.7491 184.5 75.87 90 D10 2022-10-22 Removed because it seems to be an extension of GMN 4.
Images 18 04 41.7 +0 57 56 28.4152 +10.8314 206.4 100.4 68 E1 2022-11-09 Identified as GMN 14.
Images 19 54 37.8 +18 20 11 56.4677 -4.9647 268.5 E2 2022-11-09 Large HII region with filaments and ring structure. Identified as GMN 24.
Images 19 30 42.1 +16 49 32 52.3254 -0.7590 40.81 E3 2022-11-09 Identified as GMN 22.
Images 19 21 50.7 +15 01 40 49.7314 +0.2591 51.87 E4 2022-11-09 Identified as GMN 21.
Images 19 46 13.5 +24 34 48 60.8615 -0.1125 290.0 E5 2022-11-09 Large HII region that contains SH2-86 to SH2-88 and DU 26 to DU 30. Ionized by the VUL OB1 association. Removed because just the superstructure of many known nebulae.
Images 7 16 41.3 -11 29 45 226.0234 +0.2875 680.7 481.5 10 F1 2022-11-09 HII region that is ionized by the CMa OB1 association and which contains the Seagull Nebula (at least the body) and various other emission Nebula, at least SH2-295 to SH2-297. Distance is about 1000pc. Removed because just the superstructure of many known nebulae.
Images 7 04 10.7 +1 40 54 212.8862 +3.6010 166.2 68.78 168 F3 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 7 01 38.0 +10 45 11 204.4635 +7.1205 298.8 34.83 113 F4 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 6 57 37.9 +14 52 42 200.2948 +8.0666 184.4 51.45 113 F5 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 7 21 44.6 +13 21 18 204.2613 +12.6793 260.5 30.68 102 F6 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 6 56 56.7 +5 37 18 208.5475 +3.7813 375.5 86.39 6 F7 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 6 33 32.7 +17 54 09 194.9770 +4.2506 251.6 65.62 30 F8 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 7 11 40.8 +18 36 46 198.3292 +12.7051 519.4 169.2 158 F9 2022-11-09 HII filament that seem not belong to a known structure, partially obscured by LBN 891 and F10. Removed because probably a part of a large SNR.
Images 19 57 21.2 +26 39 09 63.9257 -1.2083 2.550 G3 2022-11-30 Identified as planetary nebula PN G063.9-01.2.
Images 20 03 48.5 +26 14 56 64.3433 -2.6491 27.95 18.77 78 G4 2022-11-30 Faint HII region. Removed because it seems to be an extension of StDr 123.
Images 19 56 13.0 +29 29 32 66.2207 +0.4829 34.26 G5 2022-11-30 Faint HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images 3 30 41.9 +34 27 13 156.6113 -17.8020 2061 1357 135 H1 2022-12-01 Huge HII region that lie behind molecular cloud in Taurus and Perseus (because it is obscured by them). Removed because just the (much larger) superstructure of the California nebula.
Images 3 21 33.3 +46 03 11 148.2967 -9.2951 42.11 H3 2022-12-01 Removed because propably the (much larger) superstructure of PaStSDr 6.
Images 4 26 16.8 +48 23 01 155.2992 -0.5123 7.669 4.933 164 H4 2022-12-01 Identified as "StDr Objet 21".
Images 4 51 41.0 +45 51 08 160.0649 +1.0211 48.12 H6 2022-12-01 HII region partly obfuscated by dark nebulae. Brightest regions are known as LBN 755 and BFS 44. Removed because can be approximately identified with LBN 755 (inaccurate, much smaller).
Images 20 44 48.9 +63 50 34 99.4783 +12.8863 119.7 63.13 120 I1 2023-02-05 HII filament. Removed because propably par of a larger structure.
Images 21 26 24.5 +55 22 00 96.5703 +3.3620 20.80 I6 2023-02-05 Probably equal to '[AAJ2015] G096.598+03.426' but much larger. Removed because it seem to be the superstructure of '[AAJ2015] G096.598+03.426'.
Images 0 14 50.4 +57 54 04 118.0690 -4.6247 35.95 11.63 41 I8 2023-02-05 Removed because propably part of a larger structure.
Images 0 11 05.3 +57 10 45 117.4613 -5.2634 8.175 I9 2023-02-05 Identified as Dr 27.
Images 0 40 19.7 +60 59 55 121.5851 -1.8442 12.41 I11 2023-02-05 Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images 1 30 20.9 +64 26 14 127.1152 +1.8819 7.123 I13 2023-02-05 Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images 1 09 04.4 +62 59 55 124.9321 +0.1954 47.61 I16 2023-02-05 Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images 23 18 08.0 +55 49 38 110.0373 -4.6910 21.22 I17 2023-02-05 Identified as StDr 98.
Images 0 17 18.0 +55 21 09 118.0534 -7.1955 10.75 I18 2023-02-05 Faint HII region. Removed because it seems to be just a bright part of a larger structure.
Images 22 06 03.3 +69 28 47 109.2816 +11.1184 269.1 105.1 52 I20 2023-02-05 Large HII filament. Removed because probably just a part of a large SNR.
Images 21 58 26.8 +66 23 36 106.7985 +9.1037 180.3 137.3 5 I21 2023-02-05 HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 23 29 50.7 +59 57 24 112.8796 -1.3131 71.97 48.67 157 I22a 2023-02-05 HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Seems to be connected to I22b. Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 23 44 06.0 +59 18 36 114.4239 -2.4450 172.5 116.7 98 I22b 2023-02-05 HII filament which could be a part of a shell. Seems to be connected to I22a and contain DU 58 and DU 59. Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 23 49 20.2 +57 15 32 114.5812 -4.6024 305.1 234.8 75 I23 2023-02-05 Large HII region. Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 23 29 23.4 +58 02 30 112.2275 -3.1146 60.82 22.51 150 I24 2023-02-05 HII filament. Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 0 31 02.5 +58 36 59 120.2722 -4.1499 148.5 I25 2023-02-05 Removed because part of a larger structure.
Images 21 56 45.5 +52 50 42 98.2752 -1.4550 551.4 328.5 82 I26 2023-02-05 A set of strange HII structures with CO 86 as brightest part in the center. Removed because it seems not to be a discrete object.
Images 21 01 26.5 +53 46 42 92.9195 +4.8923 387.5 I27 2023-02-05 Probably a larger HII region mostly behind a dark nebula. Removed because to uncertain whether it belong to a larger structure.
Images 21 56 04.2 +47 43 36 95.0256 -5.4162 157.7 103.4 1 I29 2023-02-05 HII arc which crosses SH2-125, aka Cocoon Nebula. Removed because probably just a part of a large SNR.
Images 22 00 19.4 +49 03 14 96.4025 -4.8003 22.66 I30 2023-02-05 Identified as "DrZi Objket 1".
Images 23 16 09.0 +57 16 57 110.3020 -3.2341 2.589 I31 2023-02-05 Small and faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure.
Images 23 11 44.2 +57 14 12 109.7295 -3.0570 12.85 I32 2023-02-05 Faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure.
Images 22 59 00.9 +53 43 13 106.6668 -5.5632 27.20 I33 2023-02-05 Faint HII region. Removed because propably just the brightest part of a larger structure.
Images 0 36 32.3 +54 04 03 120.7214 -8.7403 106.8 59.37 83 IA6 2023-02-05 HII region that could be ionized by zet Cas. Propably a part of B120.
(zet Cas) 0 36 58.3 +53 53 49 120.7758 -8.9143 A close star in a distance of about 180 pc +/- 10 pc (Hipparcos measurements)
Images 4 41 08.1 +57 55 14 149.7711 +7.5777 19.93 J2 2023-12-04 Bright HII region. Strangely enough not listed at SIMBAD. Ionization source may be HD 237299. Identified as HU 1.
(HD 237299) 4 41 25.6 +57 54 35 149.8047 +7.6000 Possible ionization source of HU 1. Distance according to Gaia DR3: about 1250 pc.
Images 5 00 37.9 +58 13 04 151.1733 +9.7708 1.990 J3 2023-12-04 Removed because likely artifact if variable star
Images 5 23 19.7 +54 57 56 155.6956 +10.4713 16.50 J4 2023-12-04 Identified as StDr 17.
Images 2 14 17.3 +49 17 25 136.5416 -11.3797 1072 478.6 120 J8 2023-12-04 Huge HII filament. Removed because part or a larger structure.
Images 1 47 38.8 +58 23 45 130.2573 -3.6741 335.1 172.2 3 J9 2023-12-04 HII filament. Removed because is seems to be a part of a larger structure.
Images H125.5 1 16 06.9 +64 51 58 125.5499 +2.1200 2.604 J10 2023-12-04 Duplicate entry. Equal H125.5 (was I15)
Images 3 54 55.5 +60 35 22 143.6646 +5.3317 514.5 J11 2023-12-04 Large and faint HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images H125.0 1 10 10.9 +63 40 43 125.0080 +0.8825 8.876 J12 2023-12-04 Duplicate entry. Equal H125.0 (was I14)
Images 3 23 54.3 +61 31 54 140.0833 +3.8464 14.64 J13 2023-12-04 Equal to LBN 678 (classified as reflection nebula)
(HD 20798) 3 24 14.2 +61 32 19 140.1126 +3.8738 Possible ionization source of LBN 678. Distance according to Gaia DR3: about 1000 pc
Images 2 33 47.8 +49 45 22 139.3826 -9.8180 5.378 J14 2023-12-04 Identified as Dr 28.
Images 2 19 40.0 +56 07 43 135.0535 -4.6526 114.8 81.95 82 J15 2023-12-04 Removed because it is to uncertain whether this is a discrete object.
Images 2 57 49.7 +56 13 15 139.8841 -2.4336 91.52 48.70 5 J16 2023-12-04 HII region. Removed because it is uncertain whether this is a discrete object.

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