Nebulae: medium-field

This category contains photos of nebulae with an apparent diameter of 1 ° to 1 ° to 10°. Newest or updated entries are listed on top.

Click on the images to see a larger version with description.

Pleiades Pleiades NGC 7023 (Iris Nebula) and Molecular Clouds in Cepheus NGC 7023 (Iris Nebula) LDN 1495 in Taurus Molecular Cloud LDN 1495

Monitor calibration

For optimal display, the monitor should be calibrated so that as many shades of the grayscale shown below are distinguishable. At least the 4% steps should be separated by every monitor. The 2% steps are visible on better monitors. To distinguish the 1% steps, a HDR monitor is required.

gray scale

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