
An emission nebula in Orion.

Click on the images for a full scale version.

H-Alpha, Continuum

Color mapping:      Red to Red-violet (heat map): H-Alpha + Continuum      Green: High pass filtered H-Alpha + Continuum     

H-Alpha, Continuum

Color mapping:      Red to yellow (heat map): H-Alpha + Continuum      Blue: Continuum

Image data:

FOV: 0.66° x 0.50°
Date: 2019
Location: Pulsnitz, Germany
Instrument: 400mm Newton at f=1520mm
Camera Sensor: Panasonic MN34230
Total exposure times:
H-Alpha (3nm): 1.7 hours
NIR (as continuum): 0.30 hours
Image processing:
  1. Continuum subtraction
  2. Deconvolution
  3. Color composition
  4. Dynamic range compression
  5. continuum addition
  6. Tonal correction
Only deterministic image processing (no manual retouching) and no saturation enhancement after color composite.

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