Nebulae: small-field
Nebulae: medium-field
Nebulae: wide-field
Atmospheric phenomena
Kalender (German)
Click on the images to see a larger version with description.
RGB color images with Minolta Dynax 5D (Jan 2006 - )
Reflection nebula M45 (Pleiades)
Orion constellation
Nebulae with Image Intensifier Camera
False color images with Custom Scientific narrow band filters (Feb 2003 - )
cyg-32-00: Nebulae near Gamma Cyg
cyg-30-00: Supernova Remnants NGC 6960, NGC 6992 and NGC 6995
per-04-00: IC1805, NGC 896
cep-10-00: Ced 214, NGC 7822, SH2-171
per-03-00: NGC 1499 (California-Nebula)
cep-09-00: IC 1396 (Elephant Trunk)
False color images with Astronomik narrow band filters (Jul 2001 - Feb 2002)
orion-15-01: NGC2024 (Flame nebula) and
B33 in front of IC434 (Horsehead Nebula)
orion-15-00: B33 in front of IC434 (Horsehead Nebula)
mon-01-00: NGC 2237 (Rosette Nebula)
gem-00-00: NGC2174
orion-13-00: M42 (Orion Nebula)
cep-08-00: SH2-162, NGC7635 (Bubble Nebula)
aur-00-00: IC405 and IC410
cyg-26-01: NGC 7000 (North America Nebula)
cyg-26-00: Nebulae near Gamma Cyg
cyg-25-01: NGC 7000 (North America Nebula)
cep-06-00: IC 1396 (Elephant Trunk)
cyg-24-00: NGC 7000 (North America Nebula)
cyg-22-00: Sh2-101
NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula)
cep-05-00: Ced 214
cep-04-01: H-Alpha regions in Cepheus
cep-04-00: H-Alpha regions in Cepheus
cyg-21-00: H-Alpha regions in Cygnus
cyg-20-00: NGC 6888 (Crescent Nebula)
cyg-19-00: H-Alpha regions in Cygnus
True color images with Astronomik UHC and RGB filter (Jan 2001 - Apr 2001)
orion-07-00: Barnard's Loop, M42 and
Horsehead Nebula region as URGB image
Monochrome images with Astronomik UHC filter (Jun 2000 - Nov 2000)
per-00-00: IC 1805 and IC 1848
cep-03-02: NGC 7538 and other nebulae
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